
GUIDE: Steps to fix a corrupt SD Card via Chkdsk

Almost every device has SD cards to store images, movies, music, documents and other content. But it is sad to say that when this storage media gets corrupted, damaged or goes into the unreadable state can lead to many problems. There may be many programs or applications that are designed to recover and restore the lost data.

Completely Recover Data Lost by DISKPART Format

Yesterday I followed a YouTube video on how to use DISKPART format and clean the command to manage the hard drive on Windows computer. I followed the tutorial carefully and done every part nicely but I don’t know where I made the mistake and ended up losing my data. I lost a large amount of data in the DISKPART format process. My important data were saved on D drive soon after executing DISKPART - Clean - Format. I don’t know why some of my photos and videos are lost.  Is there any way to recover those lost data by DISKPART format? Thanks in advance.

-----------Jack Smith

Retrieve Data from Unreadable Micro SD Card

Almost everyone use Micro SD card in their phones or digital cameras to store their important data. SD card is the easiest and efficient way to increase the storage space of your device. But when your Micro SD card gets damaged you fail to read the data present in it.  At that moment you aren’t allowed to access the card on your smartphone, computer, or digital camera.