
Recover Deleted MKV Video Files From Card on Windows/Mac

 Recover MKV videos
The technology is also getting advanced day by day. Previously to save the data in few kilobytes it used to take large area, but today, you can save data file more than gigabytes size and that too in a small area such as memory card, SD card, pen drive and many more. The most important thing about this card is that it can be used in all the modern gadgets that are available in the market, such as Smartphone, mobile, iPhone, iPad, iPod, computer, laptops etc. As this card can save data of large file size, so you can also save video files in it. Along with all the positive aspects, it has some drawback. As it is small in size, so there are chances that it may get damaged or get corrupt, then the data in the card gets corrupt. In order to recover the data such as MKV video, any video format, photos, etc. can be recovered with the help of third party software.

Recover Lost MP3 Fille From Memory Card

Recover Lost MP3 Fille

With constant advancement and update in technology, it has played an important role in changing the lifestyle of a common man. Previously, we used to save data of few kilobytes and it required a lot of space. And now we can save a large amount of data in GB in a memory card, SD card, Flash Drive and many more. You can use the memory card to save all your important data, such as your documents, photos, videos, audios and many more. The another important feature of this software is that it is supported by almost all the devices such as phone, iPhone, Smartphone, laptops, desktop and many more. It has been seen that users are using it for saving their favorite mp3 files, as they can hear them on any device, using the memory card. As memory card is a small chip and can be used on various devices, the risk of losing the data also increases. So it has to handle very carefully. If the data gets lost from the card, then it can be recovered with the help of third party application.

Recover Lost Adobe Photoshop File on Windows

Recover Lost Adobe Photoshop File

As time is passing by, the technology is also getting advanced and updated. Nowadays computer has become an important part in every people’s life. Now they can be used to perform you school as well as office work.  Today, we can say that without a computer we are helpless. There are many software that is available in the market, that are specifically designed to perform a specific task. Say for example Adobe Photoshop, it is used for editing any photos; this is an excellent software if you want to make changes or customize your photo. Using this software, it makes your work extremely easy. And you can save them on your computer. Now suppose the saved Photoshop file gets deleted, then you may be thinking that whether it is possible to recover them. The answer is yes.  Before that, we should know the scenarios that are responsible for the deletion of the file from your system’s hard drive.

Recover Deleted or Lost Photos & Videos from Samsung Galaxy

Recover Lost Photos & Videos from Samsung Galaxy

Samsung Galaxy has a lot of new advanced features inbuilt in it. It can be used to click photos, record videos and audios, send messages, save contacts, connect to the internet and many more. It can act as a store house of the information at a single place. You can also increase its memory with the help of memory card. Now, in case, the data like photo, video, audios, messages, contacts etc. that are stored in the phone gets corrupted, lost or deleted then how can it be recovered? Before that, you should know, what should be done when you lose the data from Samsung Galaxy.

Recover Deleted TIFF Images On Windows/Mac

tiff file recovery
Photos are generally saved in various formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIFF etc. Among them TIFF is generally know as Tag Image file format, it is used for storing raster graphics images, the publishing industry, photographers and popular among graphic artists in computer file format for storing. It is generally supported by the image manipulation applications, which are used in publishing and for page layout applications, for scanning, word processing, faxing etc. The images with TIFF format are high quality images and its size is more that JPEG. This format is also supported by Smartphone, digital camera, tablet, computer, laptop etc. Now suppose in case the photos in TIFF format get deleted, then you may think whether it is possible to recover them. It is possible only with the help of third party application.

Recover Deleted AVI video files from memory card

  recover deleted AVI video files
The memory card basically is a small chip, which is capable of storing data ranging from 512 MB to 128GB. It can be use to save the images, videos, messages, contacts, documents etc. As it is small in size so we should take more care to preserve them and keep them safe. But it is not always possible all the time. If the data that are saved in it especially the video files in AVI format, gets deleted, corrupt or lost. Then you may be thinking that whether it is possible to recover them. The answer is Yes. It can only be recovered with the help of third party application.

How deleted data from Lexar SD memory card can be recovered?

, Lexar sd card data recovery

Technology has played an important role in storing a large amount of data and that too in a small space. Memory card is best example for this. There are many manufactures of memory card available in the market. Here are we are going to talk about the Lexar SD memory card. In this card, you can store your favorite photos, videos, contacts, messages, audios and many more. It acts as a store house for you, where you can save all your important data in a single space. Now suppose in case if the data that is saved in the card gets deleted or corrupt, then you may be thinking that whether it is possible to recover the data from it. But before that, we should know the scenarios that are responsible for it.

How lost Photos and Videos from Sony Camera can be recovered?

Sony camera recovery
The craze for the digital camera is increasing all over the world, due to its simplicity and yet capable of capturing high-quality pictures and videos in HD quality. There are many brands of digital camera are available in the market. Among them, Sony digital camera is liked by many users, due to its creative and high-end technologies. With this camera, you can click photos and shoot videos. You can save them in the camera. Now suppose in case the photos and videos that are deleted in the camera get deleted then, in that case, how can it be recovered. It can only be recovered with the help of third party application.

Recover Photos, Videos and Audio Files from SD Card

Recover Photos, Videos and Audio Files

Nowadays the SD card slots are available in camera, Smartphone, Laptops, Desktop and many more. All these devices use SD card to store videos, photos, audios, etc. in it. Though they are small in size but they are capable of storing large amount of data. Say for example you can save your favorite videos and audios, memorable photos, etc. If in case the data saved in the card gets corrupt or damaged, then there are chances of losing all the data from the card. There is no need to panic! As there are ways by which you can recover them. This can be recovered with the help of third party application. But before that we should know the reasons behind losing videos, audios or photos from the card.

Fix “Please Insert Disk into Removable Disk” USB Error

When you connect your USB flash drive on your PC and you get an error message as Please insert disk into Removable Disk F:” or “no media found”?  And on checking its properties it shows as zero bytes. In such situations all the data that are present in the drive has become corrupted.  Or the device is unable to detect the drive. If you have important documents in the drive, then it is advised to restore the data first before fixing this problem.  Because the data in the USB drive are still present in it in raw format. You should not use the device till all the data are recovered from it. Because on using the device the newer data would overlap the older one then I that case it would become impossible to recover them.

Recover Deleted Photos from Kodak Digital Camera

Today, digital camera is gaining popularity due its simplicity and easy to use. And among them Kodak camera is popular among the users due to its brand value. People can take photos and videos easily. These photos and videos get saved in SD card inside the camera. Now just think when your favorite videos, your memorable photos gets deleted then in that case you may be thinking that can it be recovered, The answer is Yes. This is possible with the help of third party applications. Before that you should follow the some precautions in order to avoid data from the SD card getting lost or deleted.

How to Recover Data From SD Card After Abruptly Removing it From Smartphone?

 Get Photos SD card was removed from the Smartphone improperly
SD card is generally used for storing data like photos, videos, music etc. It can be used in Smartphone, camera, phones, laptops etc. Though its size is small but it can store a large amount of data. People save their memorable photos, favorite videos and audios in it. So it is necessary to handle them properly. If it is not handled properly then there are chances that you may lose all your data from the SD card. Reasons for data getting deleted from the card are due to accidentally deleting the data or formatting the card, card gets corrupt and many more. If you have the backup then you can recover them. And if you do not have any backup then how can you recover them back? This is only possible with the help of third party application software.

How to Take Care and Use Your Memory Cards in Camera

Memory card has become one of the essential part in our life as it helps us in many ways like storing data which are important in our life which includes recordings, videos, photos and many more.well, if you take proper care of your card then it would last long but here, how to take care of the memory cards and what to do while using them so that it does not get corrupt soon is the main issue. However you will get to know about all such methods in the mentioned below paragraph.

How to Recover Files From SD Card Using cmd?

SD Card is commonly used for storing data as it can be used in computers, laptops, camera etc. but in some cases it may lead to irritating situation. When you try to connect SD card to your computer in that case you would face these errors. You may get any of the following errors when you try to access your SD card data such as: “The disk is not formatted. Do you want to format it now” or “File or directory is corrupted and unreadable”. In such cases you would not be able to either read or write data from the SD card. If the SD card is not properly maintained then the data stored in the card may be lost forever.

Recover Files From Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo

Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo

Have you ever come across a situation of data loss in Sony memory Stick pro Duo? If yes then there is nothing to fear about as ways are available to solve this data loss problem. Generally memory stick is a data storage device which provides high data transfer speed along with good storage capacity. This memory stick is especially designed for camcorders, PDA’s, camera along with other digital devices so that it can store games, audios, videos, photos in large amount. 

How to Recover CF Card Formatted data?

Mostly preferred digital memory card is the (Compact Flash Card) CF card. It has more space then the memory card like SD card, memory stick, XD picture card etc. It has faster speed and reasonable card and for this reason it is widely used in the digital cameras.

But in most of the cases it is found that the card get accidentally formatted, deleted, corrupted or become inaccessible. While transferring data like photos, videos etc to your PC/laptop you may experience this situation. It is really a big tragedy as the lost data must have precious pictures, important audio files and many other things. Know what will your reaction; you know nothing how to overcome this situation and what to do next to get back the formatted data. Don’t Panic!! Luckily the recovery can be easily performed. The formatted files of the CF card were not deleted permanently; the files are wiped and stored some other place. So it is possibly recovered. But moving further I would like to discuss the scenario of data loss, as this will help you to avoid this situation later:

Recovering lost JPEG/JPG file from Memory Card

Recovering lost JPEG/JPG file from Memory Card

When you realized that your precious photos have been deleted from your memory card then these two words get uttered by the victims – “Oh No!!!” Well, now you don’t have to utter these two words as here is the easy solution that you can opt for to recover your deleted JPG/JPEG photos.

These days almost everyone has mobile phones or digital cameras and everybody uses these gadgets to click images. The photos clicked by these gadgets are mostly saved in JPG/JPEG file format. So, the photos you click by your phones or digital cameras are gets saved in JPEG/JPG file format on the device’s memory card. JPEG file format uses compression method and it is also compatible on the internet and therefore it is very popular.

Recover data from corrupted Transcend CF card

Recover data from corrupted Transcend CF card
Transcend CF memory card is in short compact flash card. It is used in various gadgets like camcorder, digital camera, and compact camera etc for storing media data. And the data stored in it can be transferred easily. It also provides the good storage space also like 8GB, 16GB, and 32 GB. It also gets corrupted or inaccessible due to various reasons. 

MMC Card Recovery – Recover Files from MMC Card

Recover Files from MMC Card

 MMC Card (MultiMedia Card) is a flash memory card which is used for solid state storage. It is used as a storage media for the portable devices like digital camera which can be easily removed for access through the PC. It is different from the SD card is size and storage capacity. It is available in two sizes in 4 GB and in 8 GB. One can store photos and videos in the MMC card and it can be easily copied to the PC.

But in some case you may face the data loss scenario on a MMC card. It may happen due to the various reasons. But it is very terrible situation when one can acquire. Sometime unintentionally you may face this situation. Below some causes are given which are responsible for the deletion of the files from the MMC card. 

Recover Deleted or Corrupted Photos from Memory Card

Recover Deleted or Corrupted Photos from Memory Card

The worst happens to a photographer is the loss of photos from a memory card. It feels that someone has kicked you in the stomach even if they click just some family shots or for professional which can be literally a disaster.

Recover Files from Corrupted SDHC Card

Corrupted SDHC Card

“Have you lost a picture folder from your Fujifilm’s SDHC card because SDHC card corruption. Hey there, take it easy because there are many recovery tools which claim that they recover data from corrupt SDHC card.

How to Recover Data from Memory Card

Memory cards such as micro SD card, CF card are the most popular removable drives that are used for camera, mobile phone. It can easily store all kinds of data such as pictures, music, videos, documents etc. But what if you accidentally lose one or more files from digital media such as camera, mobile phone SD card, but for some reasons you have to format memory card to resolve the problems and lost all the data? Is there are ways to undelete or repair files from the corrupted memory card?